R to Z
A-C ... D-K ... L-Q ... RSTUVWXYZ... Heraldry
Radhanpur A town in far western India.
Rafai A small town in southeastern Central African Republic.
Ragusa An Adriatic port on the southeastern coast of Croatia.
Ra'iatea An island in the eastern Pacific, in northwestern French Polynesia.
RajauriA town in western Kashmir.
Rajkot A town in western India.
Ratlam A town in western India.
Ratzeburg A town in far southeastern Schleswig-Holstein, site of a bishopric.
Raukos An ancient town in southern Crete.
Ravenna A city in north-central Italy.
Ravenstein A barony in central Netherlands.
Ras al-Khaimah An emirate within the United Arab Emirates, near the Persian Gulf.
Rascia An early Serbian principality.
Razes A county in far southern France.
Rechabites A nomadic tribe inhabiting ancient Israel.
Rechteren A barony in central Netherlands.
Regensburg A city in Bavaria, site of a bishopric.
Regensburg A city in Bavaria, a free city in imperial times.
Reggio di Calabria A city in far southern Italy.
Reggio nell'Emilia A city in northern Italy.
Regio A district in far southern Spain.
Reidgotaland An early tribal kingdom in Scandinavia.
Reifferscheid A lordship in western Germany.
Reims A city in northern France, site of the Roman Catholic primate of France.
Rennes A town in northwestern France, the traditional capital of Brittany.
Resh Galuta The Jewish Exilarchs of Old Babylon and early Baghdad.
Ressad A petty kingdom in southwestern Ireland.
Rethymnia A city in northwestern Crete.
Reudigni (Rondings) A Teutonic tribe living in ancient Denmark.
Reuss A group of related districts in Thuringia, central Germany.
Reutlingen A town in southwestern Germany.
RewaA town in western India.
Reykjavik The capital of Iceland.
Rezinea An ancient town in central Crete.
Rheged A Dark-Ages kingdom in western England, on the Welsh frontier.
Rhine Palatinate A group of districts in western Germany.
Rhodes A large island in the far southeastern corner of the Aegean.
Rhos A minor Welsh principality.
Rhufoniog A minor Welsh principality.
Riazan (New) A city in central Russia.
Riazan (Old) A city in central Russia, destroyed by Mongols.
The Rif A region of northern Morocco, facing Iberia across the straits of Gibralter.
Riga The largest city, and capital, of Latvia.
Rimini A town in northern Italy.
Ringerike A district in central southeastern Norway.
Rio Grande do Sul A state in southern Brazil.
Rockall An isolated rock in the north Atlantic.
Rode A barony in the Netherlands.
Rodez A town in southern France.
Rodingas A minor Anglo-saxon tribal group.
Rogaland The southwesternmost province in Norway.
Rohan The estates of a noble Breton dynasty.
Roman Consuls The heads of the Roman republic, and nominally of the Empire.
Roman Empire The vast Mediterranean state based at Rome.
A state in the eastern Balkans.
See also the
and Wallachia.
Romerike A early tribal kingdom in southern Norway.
Ronda A town in far southern Spain.
The Roshani An Irani tribe living in Tadjikistan.
Ross A county in Scotland.
Rostov A city in southern Russia.
Rothenburg A town in northwestern Bavaria.
Rottweil A town in far southwestern Germany.
Rouergue A county in southern France.
Roussillon A county in the south of France, on the Mediterranean coast near the Spanish border.
The Rugians An early Teutonic tribe.
Ruinen A lordship in northern Netherlands.
A vast state in Eurasia, the largest in the world.
See also Andoga,
(incl. the Volga Bulgars), Kema,
Moscow Patriarchate,
(the Great), Pereyaslavl-Zalesskiy,
Riazan (old), Rostov,
Ruthenia A district in far western Ukraine.
Rylsk A town in western Russia.
RWANDA A state in central Africa.
Rwenzururu A tribal kingdom in southwestern Uganda.
Rytio An ancient town in central Crete.
Ryukyu Islands A chain of islands southwest of Japan.
Ryuzoji A Japanese Daimyo clan.
Sabbioneta A small countship in Lombardy.
Sabir A Hunnic tribe north of the Caucasus.
Sabratha A Phoenician city in western Libya.
Safa A village in eastern Afghanistan.
Saffenberg A lordship in western Germany.
Sagaing A Shan state in central Burma.
Sailendra An ancient kingdom on the island of Java.
St. Andrews An archbishopric in Scotland.
St. Barthelemy An island in the Caribbean.
St. Cornelismünster An Abbey in western Germany, near Aachen.
St. Croix An island in the Caribbean.
St. Davids A Bishopric in southern Wales.
St. Emmeran An abbey in Regensburg, Germany.
St. Eustatius An island in the Caribbean.
St. Gall An abbey and Canton in Switzerland.
St. Helena and Dependencies An island, and some other associated islands, in the South Atlantic.
St. Kilda A small group of islands west of the Outer Hebrides, in Scotland.
SAINT KITTS-NEVIS An island group in the northeastern Caribbean.
SAINT LUCIA An island in the eastern Caribbean.
St. Martin An island in the Caribbean, partitioned between a French and a Dutch zone.
St. Pierre & Miquelon Two islands off the coast of Newfoundland.
St. Pol A county in France.
SAINT VINCENT and the GRENADINES An island group in the eastern Caribbean.
Sais A city in northern Egypt.
Sakya An ancient state in northern India, home of the Buddha.
Salamis An ancient city in Cyprus.
Salamis An ancient town in Greece.
Salerno A city in southern Italy.
Saltes A town in southwestern Spain.
Salzburg A city in central Austria, site of an archbishopric.
Sam'al An Aramean kingdom in the extreme north of ancient Syria.
The Samaritans An early Semitic people living in Judea.
Samarkand An ancient city in eastern Uzbekistan.
The Samnites An early Italic tribe in central Italy.
SAMOA A state in the western South Pacific.
Samland A chip of Russian territory lying between Poland and Lithuania.
Samogita A region in northwestern Lithuania.
Samos An island in the eastern Aegean.
Samothraki An island in the western Aegean.
San'a The capital of Yemen.
Sancerre A county in central France.
Sandomir A town and partition duchy in southeastern Poland.
Sangole An emirate in far northern Mozambique.
The Sanhedrin The legislative body of ancient Israel.
San Andres y Providencia An island group in the southern Caribbean.
SAN MARINO A state in north-central Italy.
San Severino A town and district in central Italy.
Santa Maria del Algarbe A town in southern Portugal.
Santarem A town in west-central Portugal.
Santiago, Order of A chivalric order of knights in mediaeval Iberia.
Sarab A minor khanate in northwestern Iran.
Sarawak A rajahdom in northern Borneo.
Sardinia An island in the western Mediterranean, between Corsica and Sicily.
Sar-I-Pul A city in northwest Afghanistan.
SARK A Channel Island, off the coast of Normandy.
Sarmatians An early nomad tribe of the Ukraine.
Satake A Daimyo clan in Japan.
Satara A town in central India.
Satavahana A Dravidian kingdom in the Deccan plain of central India.
Satsuma A Daimyo territory in southern Kyushu, Japan.
Saurashtra A district within south-central Gujarat, India.
Savona A town on the Italian Riviera, southwest of Genoa.
Savoy A district in southeastern France, adjacent to the Swiss and Italian borders.
The Saxons An early Teutonic tribe inhabiting northwestern Germany.
Saxony A group of territories in eastern Germany.
Say'un A sultanate in eastern Yemen.
Scania A kingdom in southern Sweden.
Schaffhausen A canton of Switzerland.
Schleswig A district in far northern Germany, adjacent to the Danish frontier.
Schwarzburg A group of districts in Thuringia, central Germany.
Schweinfurt A town in southern Germany.
Schwerin A town in northern Germany, site of a bishopric.
Schwyz A canton of Switzerland, one of three original ones, and the one for whom the nation is called.
Scilly Isles An archipelago off the southwest coast of Britain.
Sciri An early Teutonic tribe.
Scotland A kingdom in northern Britain.
Scythians An ancient group of tribes inhabiting the steppes of central Russia.
Sea-Land A ancient kingdom in southeastern Mesopotamia
The Sea-Peoples A group of raiding tribes active in pre-Classical times in the eastern Mediterranean.
SebennytosAn ancient Egyptian city located near modern Sammanud, in the central Nile Delta.
Seborga A small coastal town in northwestern Italy.
Sechen An horde in eastern Mongolia.
Segesta An ancient city of northwestern Sicily.
Segor Canaanite confederacy including Sodom and Gomorrah.
Segorbe A town in eastern Spain.
SeguA Bambara state in what is now south-central Mali.
Segura A town in southeastern Spain.
Selangor A district in the Malay Peninsula, Southeast Asia.
Selcovia A Dark-Ages tribal kingdom in southern Scotland.
Seleucid Empire A post-Alexandrian Empire in the Middle East.
The Semnones A tribe of early Teutons.
Sendai A Daimyo clan in Japan.
SENEGAL A state in West Africa.
Septimania A region in far southern France, based at Narbonne on the Golfe du Lion.
Septimania Supplemental information regarding this region.
SERBIA A state in the central Balkans.
Serbian Orthodox Church The Eastern Orthodox ecclesiastic authorities in Serbia.
Seriphos An island in the western Cyclades, in the Aegean.
Seville A city in central Spain.
SEYCHELLES An archipelago state off southeastern Africa.
Sfax A city in central Tunisia.
Shaizar An ancient city in Syria.
Sharjah An emirate on the Trucial Coast of eastern Arabia.
Sharuna A Caananite city state, also known as Sharon.
Sheka A district in northwestern Azerbaijan.
Sheleshpansk A district of northwest Russia within the river basin of the Shola.
's-Hertogenrade A barony in the southern Netherlands.
Shetland Islands An archipelago of small islands situated north of Britain.
The Shi'ite Imams The early religious authorities among Shi'ite Muslims.
The Shilluk A tribe located in south-central Sudan.
Shimazu A Daimyo clan of Japan.
Shiraz A city in south-central Iran.
Shihr A sultanate in eastern Yemen.
Shirvan A town in Azerbaijan.
Shumsk A town in northern Ukraine.
Shunem An ancient Caananite city-state.
Shuruppag An ancient city in south-central Mesopotamia.
Shuya A town in Russia.
Sibir The northernmost Mongol horde, occupying the vast lands behind the Urals.
Sicily A large island in the central Mediterranean Sea.
Sicyon An ancient town in southern Greece.
Sidon A Phoenician port in Lebanon.
Siena A town in northern Italy.
Sieradz-Leczyca A partition duchy in central Poland.
SIERRA LEONE A state in far western Africa.
Sijilmasa A town in northern Morocco.
The Sikhs The religious authorities of this group of Indian people.
Sikinos An island in the southern Cyclades, within the Aegean.
Sikkim A small territory between Nepal and Bhutan.
Silesia A group of territories in southwestern Poland.
Silla An ancient Korean kingdom.
Silves A town in far southern Portugal.
Sinai A region of northeastern Egypt, between the Mediterranean and Red Seas.
Sindh A region of east-central Pakistan.
SINGAPORE A state in southeast Asia, at the tip of the Malay Peninsula.
Singhasari A kingdom located on the island of Java.
Sinope A town in northern Anatolia, on the Black Sea coast.
Sintang A town and district straddling the equator in the interior of western Borneo.
Siphnos An island in the central Aegean.
Sisaea An ancient town in west-central Crete.
Sistan A region of far eastern Iran.
Sitawaka A town in west-central Sri Lanka.
Sitten A canton of Switzerland.
Siuna A province in eastern Armenia and western Azerbaijan.
Sivas A Ghazi emirate in east-central Turkey.
Siyannu An ancient Caananite city-state.
Sjaelland A district of northern Denmark.
Skálholt An Icelandic bishopric.
Skiathos The westernmost of the Sporades islands in the Aegean Sea.
Skopelos One of the Sporades islands, immediately east of Skiathos
Skye A large island of the Hebrides, northwestern Scotland.
Skyros Largest of the Sporades islands, in the Aegean.
Sliabh Lugha A petty kingdom in southwestern Ireland.
SLOVAKIA A state in central Europe.
SLOVENIA A state in the northwestern Balkans.
Sluchesk A town in central Belarus.
Småland A district in southern Sweden.
Smolensk A city in western Russia.
Smyrna A city on the Aegean coast of Anatolia, now called Izmir.
Snovsk A town in northern Ukraine.
So A Daimyo clan in Japan.
Sobrarbre A minor kingdom in northern Spain.
Sochaczew A partition duchy in central Poland.
Socotra An island off the southern Arabian coast.
Sodermanland A tribal kingdom in east-southeast Sweden.
Sogdiana A region of Central Asia, mainly in Uzbekistan.
Sogn A district in southwestern Norway.
Soissons A county in northern France.
Sokoto An empire in western Africa.
Soloi A town in northwestern Cyprus.
SOLOMON ISLANDS An archipelago state in the southwest Pacific.
Solor An early tribal kingdom in southern Norway.
Solothurn A canton of Switzerland.
SOMALIA A state located on the Horn of Africa.
See Juba, Mogadishu, Punt, Somaliland, Warsangali.
Somaliland Northern (British) Somalia.
Somerset A county of southwestern England.
Sondmor A tribal kingdom in southern Norway.
Songhai An empire in the interior of West Africa.
Sonnenburg A town in northern Germany, host to a bailiwick of the Knights of St. John (Malta).
Soran A Kurdish emirate in northeastern Iraq.
SOUTH AFRICA A state at the southern end of Africa.
Southumbria An Anglo-Saxon district in eastern England.
South Kasai A province in southern Congo (Kinshasa).
South Powys A Mediaeval Welsh principality., , , ,, , ,
kingdom at the southwestern end of Europe.
See also Albarracin,
Governors of Roman Spain, Ronda,
and Zaragoza.
Sparta An ancient city in southern Greece.
Speyer A city in western Germany, seat of a bishopric.
Speyer A free city in western Germany.
Spoleto A city in central Italy.
the Sporades A group of islands in the Aegean Sea.
Spratly Islands An archipelago in the South China Sea.
SRI LANKA An island state off the southern coast of India.
Srivijaya An ancient state in southeastern Sumatra.
Ssu-Chou An Uighur khanate in north-central China.
Stablo-Malmedy A pair of associated abbeys in Belgium.
Starodub-Seversky A town in central Russia.
Starodub-Zalesky A town in central Russia.
Steenbergen A town in the southern Netherlands.
Stepan A town in northern Ukraine.
Sternstein A small county in Bavaria.
Strasbourg A city in far eastern France, seat of a bishopric.
Strathclyde A Dark-Ages kingdom in southwestern Scotland and northwestern England.
Strathearn A county in central Scotland.
Strathnaver A region in far northwest Scotland.
Strathspey A district in northern Scotland.
Stratos An ancient town in central Greece.
Strezhev A locality within modern Belarus.
Strijen A lordship in the Netherlands.
Stymphalos A town in southern Greece.
Styria A duchy within central Austria.
Sudak A town on the eastern southeastern shores of the Crimean Peninsula.
A large state in northeastern Africa.
See also Aloa,
the Shilluk.
The Suevi An early Teutonic tribe inhabiting northwestern Iberia.
Suffolk A county in southeastern England.
Sugorye A district in northwestern Russia.
Suhar A town on the coast of northern Oman.
Sukhothai A region in eastern Thailand.
Sulu An island in the Philippines.
Sunda A district in far western Java.
Suren An ancient region in what is now southern Pakistan
SURINAME A state on the northern coast of South America.
Surrey A county in southeast England.
Sussex A county in southeast England.
Sutherland A county in far northern Scotland.
Suzdal A city in central Russia.
Svanet'i A district on the northwestern coast of Caucasian Georgia.
Svisloch A locality in southeastern Belarus.
Svithjod Probably a tribal kingdom in southern Norway.
Swabia An early duchy in southwestern Germany.
Swains Island A tiny atoll in the South Pacific.
Swat A tribal region in northwest Pakistan.
SWAZILAND A state in southern Africa.
kingdom in northern Europe.
See also Aatundaland,
Götland, Fjadryndaland,
and Uppsala.
SWITZERLAND A state in west-central Europe.
Sybaris An ancient town in far southern Italy.
Syia An ancient town in western Crete.
Symi A small island near Rhodes, in the southeastern Aegean Sea.
Syracuse A large and ancient city in eastern Sicily.
SYRIA A state on the Mediterranean coast of the Levant.
Syrmia A district in northeastern Croatia.
Syros An island in the central Aegean Sea.
Syvritos A town in west-central Crete.
Szechuan A province of central China.
Tabaristan A region in Iran, just south of the Caspian Sea.
Tabriz A large city in northwest Iran.
Tae Kaya An early kingdom in southern Korea.
Tagant A Berber sultanate in present-day Mauretania.
Tahert A city in northwestern Algeria.
Tahiti The chief island of French Polynesia, in the southeastern Pacific.
TAIWAN An island off the southeastern Chinese coast.
Takeda A Daimyo clan in Japan.
Takrit A town in northern Iraq.
Talamanca A district in Costa Rica.
Tamactun-Acalan A post-classical Maya nation in Campeche state, Mexico.
Tamassos A town in central Cyprus.
Tambora An island in southern Indonesia.
Tamesna A village in the of south-central Morocco.
Tamna A state associated with an Island off the southwest coast of Korea.
Tanagra An ancient town in central Greece.
Tang-Ch'ang An old kingdom in south-central China.
Tangier A city at the far northern end of Morocco.
Tanjore A city and district in far southern India.
Tannu Tuva A district in southern Siberia, adjacent to the Russai-Mongolia border.
Tanos An ancient city in western Crete.
Tanukh A early tribe of Christian Arabs in northern Arabia and eastern Jordan.
Taphos An island in the Ionian group of western Greece.
Taqali A tribal kingdom in central Sudan.
Taranto A city in far southern Italy.
Tarki A town on the western shore of the Caspian Sea.
Taron An Armenian state in eastern Turkey.
Tarra An ancient city in western Crete.
Tartessos An ancient Phoenician city in far southern Spain.
Tarumanagara An early kingdom in western Java.
Tashkent Capital and largest city in Uzbekistan.
The Tatars An early Mongolic tribe.
Taungbaing A Shan state in eastern Burma.
Tavira A town in far southeast Portugal.
Tavolara A tiny kingdom in northeastern Sardinia.
Taxila An ancient city in south-central Pakistan.
Tayma A town and oasis in northwestern Saudi Arabia.
Tecklenburg A group of districts in northwestern Germany.
Tefrica A town in central Anatolia.
Tegea An ancient city in western Crete.
Tegea An ancient city in southern Greece.
Tejada A city in southern Portugal.
Tekke A ghazi emirate in southern Anatolia.
Tel Barsip An Aramean city-state in Syria.
Tel Halaf An ancient city-state in northern Syria.
Telemark An early tribal kingdom in Norway.
Telyatev A town in central Russia.
the Temmikes An ancient Hellenic tribe.
The Templars An order of warrior-monks in the Levant and Europe.
Templar Provincial: England The chiefs of the Templar order in England.
Templar Provincial: Ireland The chiefs of the Templar order in Ireland.
Templar Provincial: Scotland The chiefs of the Templar order in Scotland.
Tenochtitlan The chief center of the Aztecs of pre-Columbian Mexico.
Teotihuacán An ancient city-state in central Mexico.
Tepancatl A pre-Columbian empire in central Mexico.
Terebovl A town in western Ukraine.
Ternate A small island in the Northern Moluccas.
Teutonic Knights An order of crusading knights in the Levant and, later, the Baltic.
The Teutons The early people out of which emerged the Germanic tribes and nations.
TexcocoA city-state in central Mexico.
A state in southeast Asia.
See also Lan
Na, Langkasuka,
Nakhon si
Thammarat, Pattani, and
Thamud A Bedouin confederation in central Arabia.
Thasos The northernmost island in the Aegean.
Thaton A Mon state in southern Burma.
Thebes A city in central Egypt.
Thebes A city in central Greece.
Thera An island in the south-central Aegean.
Thespies A town in south-central Greece.
the Thesprotians An early Hellenic tribe.
Thessalonika A port city in northern Greece.
Thessaly A region in north-central Greece, on the Aegean coast.
Thomond A Mediaeval kingdom in southern Ireland.
Thorn A convent in southern Netherlands.
Thouars A small town in western France.
Thrace A region in the southeast Balkans, covering much of modern Bulgaria.
Thurgau A canton of Switzerland.
Thuringia A mountainous region in central Germany.
The Thuringii An early Germanic tribe.
Thurn-Taxis A noble German gens, Princes of the Empire.
Thyssagetai An ancient tribe in Central Asia.
Tiberias An ancient town in Israel.
Tibet A large and ancient kingdom in east-central Asia.
Ticino A canton in southern Switzerland.
TidoreA small island in the Northern Moluccas.
Tigre A region of northern Ethiopia.
Tikal A Mayan city-state.
Tikhomel A village in western Ukraine.
Tikunani An ancient Caananite city-state.
Tilos A Dodecanese island, located northwest of Rhodes.
Timbuktu A city in southern Mali.
Timor An island in far southern Indonesia.
Tinos-Mykonos An island principality in the northern Aegean.
Tiryns An ancient site in southern Greece.
Tiundaland A tribal kingdom in east-central Sweden.
Tivoli A town in central Italy.
Tlaxcaltec A pre-Columbian people living in central Mexico.
Tmutarakan A town overlooking the straits of Kerch, in southern Russia.
Tobago An island in the far southeastern Caribbean Sea.
The Tocharians An ancient tribe living in Xinjiang.
Tokugawa A Daimyo clan in Japan; they became hereditary shoguns.
Toledo The archbishops of this city, primates of Spain.
Toledo A city in central Spain.
The Toltecs An ancient pre-columbian people of Mexico.
Tomsaete A district in the West Midlands of England.
TONGA A kingdom in trhe South Pacific.
Tonina A Mayan city state in Chiapas State, southern Mexico.
Tonk A town in western India.
Tonkin A regional kingdom in northern Vietnam.
Torchesk A minor principality in the Ukraine.
The Torghuts The western branch of the Kalmuck nomads.
Toroni A town in far northern Greece.
TorresA city on the northwest coast of Sardinia.
Tortosa A town in northeastern Spain.
Tortuga An island just north of Haiti.
Toul A city in eastern France, site of a bishopric.
Toulouse A city in southern France.
Tournai A city in southwestern Belgium.
Tours A city in north-central France.
Toyotomi A Daimyo clan of Japan.
Trabizond An ancient city on the coast of northeastern Anatolia.
Transoxania A region in inner Central Asia.
Transvaal A Boer republic in northeastern South Africa.
TrarzaA Berber emirate in southwestern Mauretania.
Trengganu A district on the east coast of the Malay Peninsula.
TrentA city in far northern Italy.
Treviso An inland town of Venetia, a little north of Venice.
Tribalia An early tribal kingdom in southern Balkans.
Trieste A port city at the northern end of the Adriatic Sea.
Trincomalee A port at the northeastern corner of Sri Lanka.
Trier A large city in western Germany, site of an archbishopric.
TRINIDAD and TOBAGO A state comprising two islands in the southeast Caribbean.
Trinovantes An early Gallic tribe inhabiting Britain.
Tripoli A city in Lebanon.
Tripoli A large city on the western coast of Libya.
Troezina An ancient city in south-central Greece.
Trøndelag A region in central Norway.
Troppau Several districts within Silesia.
Troy An ancient city in far northwest Anatolia.
Trubchevsk A town in central Russia.
T'u-Chueh An early Turkish khanate in western Xinjiang.
Tucumán A district in northwest Argentina.
Tugurt A Berber sultanate in the desert of southern Algeria.
Tukolor Empire An empire in the interior of West Africa.
Tumed A nomad horde in southern Mongolia.
T'umen' A city in western Siberia.
Tungri An ancient Germanic tribe.
Tunip An ancient Caananite city-state.
Tunis The capital and largest city of Tunisia.
TUNISIA A state in central North Africa, on the Mediterranean coast.
Turfan An early khanate in Xinjiang.
Turin A large city in northwest Italy.
TURKMENISTAN A state in Central Asia, north of eastern Iran.
The Turks The earliest hordes of this ethnic group.
Turov A city in southern Belarus.
TURKEY A state encompassing all of Anatolia (Asia Minor).
Turku A city in southern Finland, seat of a bishopric.
Tuscany A region in north-central Italy.
Tusculum A Mediaeval countship in central Italy, near Rome.
Tushtietu A Mongol khanate of the Northern Khalka.
TUVALU A state in the western Pacific.
T'u-Yu-Hun A regional kingdom of mixed Sino-Tibetan population in north-central China.
Tver A city in central Russia.
Twente A district in eastern Netherlands.
Twickel A barony in the Netherlands.
Tylissos An ancient city in northern Crete.
Tyo A tribal kingdom in southern Congo (Brazzaville).
Tyrconnell A region in northern Ireland.
Tyrol A province in western Austria.
Tyrone A region in northern Ireland.
Tyre A Phoenician city in Lebanon.
Uberlingen A town in far southwestern Germany.
The Ubii An early Germanic tribe.
Udaipur A city and district in western India.
Uesugi A Daimyo clan of Japan.
Ugarit An ancient city in western Syria.
Uglich A town in central Russia.
Ui Cheinnselaig A petty kingdom in central Ireland.
Uighuristan A region in far western China.
Uisnech A petty kingdom in central Ireland.
Ukhtoma A town in northwestern Russia.
Ulm A city in southern Germany.
Ulster A regional kingdom and, later, county, of Northern Ireland.
Umaill A petty kingdom in far western Ireland.
Umma An ancient city-state in southern Iraq.
Umm al-Quwain An emirate of the Trucial Coast of eastern Arabia.
'Unayzah An emirate in central Arabia.
UNITED STATES of AMERICA A large state in central North America.
Unqi An ancient kingdom in northern Syria.
Unterwalden A canton of Switzerland, one of three original ones.
Upper Egypt A regional kingdom of the southern Nile Basin.
Ur An ancient city-state of southern Iraq.
Urach A district in southwestern Germany.
Urakluiras An ancient kingdom in northern Iraq.
Urartu An ancient kingdom, in eastern Anatolia.
Urbino A duchy in central Italy.
UrgelA county in northern Spain.
Uri A canton of Switzerland, one of three original ones.
Urk A small lordship, formerly an island, in the Zuiderzee, Netherlands.
Urkesh An ancient city-state in northern Syria.
URUGUAY A small state in southeastern South America.
Uruk An ancient city-state of southern Iraq.
Usrushana A mountainous region of east-central Central Asia.
Utrecht A city in the netherlands, seat of a Bishopric.
Utrecht A Bailiwick of the Teutonic Knights in this city.
UZBEKISTAN A state in Central Asia.
Uzhegorod A town in western Ukraine.
Vadbol A town in northwestern Russia.
Valais A canton in southwestern Switzerland.
Valencia A city in eastern Spain.
Valenciennes A town in southern Belgium.
Valentinois The district around the city of Valence, in south-central France.
Valkenburg A small town in far southeastern Netherlands.
Valois A district in northern France.
The Vandals An early Germanic tribe.
VANUATU A state in the southwest Pacific.
Varanda An Armenian principality in western Azerbaijan.
Värmland A district in central Sweden.
Vaspurakan A principality in far eastern Anatolia.
Vaud A canton in southwestern Switzerland.
Vaudémont A small locale in far eastern France.
Veere A small town in southwestern Netherlands.
Veldenz A locale in western Germany.
Veligosti A barony in south-central Greece.
Velsen A lordship in the Netherlands.
Vendeyssel The northernmost island of Denmark.
Vendome A town and district in northern France.
VENEZUELA A state in northern South America.
Venice A major city of northeastern Italy.
Ventimiglia A coastal town near the French/Italian border, in northwest Italy.
Verdun A city in eastern France.
Vermandois A small county just east of Normandy and south of Flanders.
Verona A city in northern Italy.
Vertyazin A town in central Russia.
Vescovato A small town just east of Cremonam in northern Italy.
Vestfold The coastal districts lying on the west side of Oslofjord, in southern Norway.
Vexin A district in northern France, northwest of Paris.
Vianden A small town in far northern Luxembourg.
Vianen A lordship in the Netherlands.
Viatka A region of northern Russia.
Vienna The capital of Austria, seat of an archbishopric.
Vienne A city in southeastern France.
Viennos An ancient town in western Crete.
Vientiane The capital of Laos.
Viet-Bac A regional kinmgdom in far northern Vietnam.
VIETNAM A state in southeast Asia.
Vijayanagar An early kingdom in southern India.
Viken A district in southern Norway.
Vingulmark A district in southern Norway.
Vinland A nebulous region of southeastern Canada, briefly explored by Scandinavians.
Virgin Islands An archipelago in the West Indies, Caribbean Sea.
Virneburg A small district in western Germany.
the Visaltes An ancient Hellenic tribe.
Visloch A town in western Belarus.
the Vistones An ancient Hellenic tribe.
Vitebsk A city in northeastern Belarus.
Viterbo A town in central Italy.
Vladimir A city in central Russia.
Vladivostok A city in extreme far southestern Russia, on the Pacific coast.
Vodonitsa A small town in northern Greece.
Vojvodina A province of northern Serbia.
Volhynia A district in western Ukraine.
Volkoviysk A town in western Belarus.
Voorne A lordship in the Netherlands.
Vorgol A site in northern Ukraine.
Vorz A coastal district in Norway.
The Votadini A Gallic tribe in southern Scotland and northern England.
Vslonim A town in western Belarus.
Vyborg A city in northwestern Russia, between St. Petersburg and the Finnish border.
Vyr A town in northern Ukraine.
Wagadugu A tribal kingdom in Burkina Faso, West Africa.
Waldbott-Bassenheim A noble family in western Germany.
Waldburg A district in southern Germany.
Waldeck A district in north-central Germany.
Wales A Celtic region in the mountains of western Britain.
Wallachia A region comprising the lowlands of southern Romania.
(Wallmoden)-Gimborn A German district.
Walo A Wolof kingdom in far northwestern Senegal.
Walvis Bay A port in Namibia.
Wangen A town in southwestern Germany.
Warasangali A region in eastern Somaliland
Warni A early tribe of Teutons.
Warsaw The capital of Poland.
Wartenberg A German county, in the Rhineland.
Warwick A county in central England.
Washington A state of the United States.
Washington D. C. The capital of the USA.
Wassenberg A county on the German-Dutch border.
Waterford A city in southern Ireland.
Waterland A lordship in the Netherlands.
Waytharly An ancient kingdom in southwestern Burma.
Waziristan A district on the Afghan/Pakistani frontier.
Wei A regional kingdom in northern China.
Weil A town in southwestern Germany.
Weimar A district in Thuringia, central Germany.
Weingarten An abbey in southwestern Germany.
Weissenburg A town in southern Germany.
Werden-Helmstadt Two associated abbeys in northwestern Germany.
Werdenberg A group of dynastic territories in southwestern Germany.
Wernigerode A district in western Germany.
Wertheim A district in western Germany.
Westerburg A district in western Germany.
Wessex A Dark-Ages kingdom in southwestern England.
Western Roman Empire The division of the Roman Empire in western Europe.
Western Sahara A region in northwestern Africa.
Westerwolde A small lordship in northeastern Netherlands.
Wetzlar A town in western Germany.
Westphalia A Napoleonic client-state in northwestern Germany.
The White Horde That portion of the Mongols who spread into western Siberia.
Whydah A tribal kingdom in south-central Benin.
Wied A district in western Germany.
Wildgrafen Several rural districts in western Germany.
Wimpfen A town in western Germany.
Windheim A small town in northern Bavaria.
Woerden A town in central Netherlands.
Wolfstein A group of districts in far southern Germany.
Wolof A people in Senegal, far west Africa.
Worms A city in western Germany, seat of a bishopric.
Wroclaw A city in southern Poland, seat of a bishopric.
Wroxeter A town in Shropshire, southwestern England.
Wu A regional kingdom in southern China.
Wuhuan A Manchurian kingdom in northeastern China.
Württemberg A kingdom in southwestern Germany.
Würzburg A city in central Germany, seat of a bishopric.
Xanthus An ancient city in southwestern Anatolia.
Xhosa A tribe in southern Africa.
Xiang Khoang A region of central Laos.
Xinjiang A vast, arid region in western China.
Xi-Xia A kingdom in north-central China.
Xois An ancient district in the eastern Nile Delta.
Yarimuta An ancient Caananite city-state.
Yaroslavl A city in western Russia.
Yatenga A tribal state in northern Burkina Faso.
Yaxchilan A Mayan city-state on the modern border between Mexico and northwestern Guatemala.
Yelets A town in south-central Russia.
YEMEN A state at the southern end of Arabia.
Yen An ancient Chinese Kingdom based around Beijing.
Yerevan The capital of Armenia.
Yokib' A Mayan city-state, located near Piedras Negras, southern Mexico.
York A major city in the north of England, seat of an archbishopric.
York The dukes and secular rulers of this city.
Yrtakos An ancient town in western Crete.
Ys An early Dark-Ages kingdom in Brittany.
Yucatan A region of southeastern Mexico.
Yueh A old kingdom in southeastern China.
Yue-Zhi An early tribal federation in Central Asia.
Yunnan A province in southern China.
Yuryev A town in west-central Russia.
Yu-Wen A Manchurian kingdom in northeastern China.
Yvetot An autonomous locality within Normandy, northern France.
Zacros An ancient town in extreme eastern Crete.
Zaghawa A tribe of northern Chad.
Zalk A lordship in the Netherlands.
Zante An Ionian Island off the coast of northwestern Greece.
Zanzibar An island off the coast of Tanzania, in East Africa.
Zaporozhie Cossacks A clan of Ukrainian steppe dwellers.
Zapotec An indigenous Mexican people living in Oaxaca.
Zaragoza A city in northeastern Spain.
Zaraysk A town in central Russia.
Zaria A city in northern Nigeria.
Zarrinaal A clan in western Iran.
Zeeland A Dutch province in the Rhine and Maas deltas.
Zeitz-Naumburg A bishopric in northeastern Thuringia, central Germany.
Zeleia A town in the far northwest corner of Anatolia.
Zemar An ancient Caananite city-state.
Zemio A sultanate in extreme southeastern Central African Republic.
Zheng An ancient dukedom in eastern China.
Ziegenhain A district in west-central Germany.
ZIMBABWE A landlocked state in southern Africa.
Zimmern A district in the Rhineland, western Germany.
Zimru A small kingdom in northeastern Syria.
Zion A district in northern Ethiopia.
Zubtsov A town in central Russia.
Zug A canton of Switzerland.
Zulu A tribe of central Africans who migrated into South Africa.
Zurich A canton of Switzerland.
Zurichgau The district adjacent to this Swiss city.
Zuylen A barony in the Netherlands.
Zvenigorod A town in far western Ukraine.
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