A to C
A B C... D-K ... L-Q ... R-Z ... Heraldry
Aalen A city in southwestern Germany.
Aargau A Canton in Switzerland.
Aatundaland A minor Dark Ages Kingdom in what is now Sweden.
Abasgia A district, intermittently independent, in northwestern Georgia (Caucasus)
Abcoude A town in the Netherlands.
Abeokuta A state in southwestern Nigeria.
Abdera A city in Thrace, northeastern Greece.
Abilene A city of ancient Syria.
Abu Dhabi An Emirate within the Persian Gulf.
Abuja A city in central Nigeria, now the capital.
Acanthos A city in northern Greece, in the Chalkidi district.
Achaea A province in the northern Peloponessus, in Greece.
Achshaph A Caananite city in Galilee.
Acre An Amazonian province of Brazil.
Acre (modern Akko) An ancient city in northern Israel.
'Ad An ancient tribal Kingdom in what is now southwestern Oman, in the Arabian peninsula.
Adab An ancient city in eastern Mesopotamia.
Adamawa A tribal kingdom on the Nigeria-Cameroons frontier.
Aden A city and district at the southern end of the Arabian peninsula.
Adiabene An ancient Kingdom in what is now Kurdistan, northern Iraq.
Adrar An emirate in central Mauretania.
Adullam A Caananite city, near Bethlehem.
Aegiale A city on the island of Amorgos, in the Aegean.
Aegina An island near the Greek coast, in the Aegean Sea.
Aegion A city in the Peloponessus, Greece, at the western end of the Gulf of Corinth.
Aena A city in central Crete.
Aenia A city in northern Greece, in the Chalkidi district.
the Aethiki An early Hellenic tribe.
Aetolia A province in western Greece.
A state in the Middle East, north and northwest of Pakistan.
See also Badakhshan,
Afyon A town in west-central Turkey.
The Agathyrsi An ancient tribe in Transylvania.
Agder An early tribal Kingdom in southern Norway.
Agira A town in central Sicily.
the Agraeoi An early Hellenic tribe.
Agrigento A city in southern Sicily.
Agrinio A city in western Greece.
Ahhiyawa Bronze-Age Greece, ancient Achaea.
Ahmadnagar A city in the Deccan region of central India.
Ailech An early Kingdom in northern Ireland.
Ainos A town on the Turkish-Greek border.
The Ainu The indigenous people of the Japanese islands, now confined to Hokkaido.
Aïr A Berber Sultanate in northern Niger.
Ajman An Emirate within the Persian Gulf.
the Akarnanes An early Hellenic tribe.
Akhlat A minor Kingdom in eastern Anatolia.
Akhtiashna An early Caananite city.
Akim A Kingdom in southern Ghana.
Akkad An ancient Semitic Kingdom in what is now northern Iraq.
Akova A city in the Arcadia district of the Peloponessus, Greece.
'Akrabi A small tribal state in south Yemen.
Akshak An ancient city in Mesopotamia.
Aku A state in modern Sierra Leone.
Akwa Akpa Also known as Calabar, a town in far southeastern Nigeria.
Akwamu A Kingdom in southern Ghana.
Alabama A state within the United States, located in the deep south.
Alaborg A viking fort in northwestern Russia.
Åland An archipelago located in the seas between Finland and Sweden.
Alans An early nomadic people on the steppes of southern Russia.
Alasiya A city in ancient Cyprus.
Alaska A state within the United States, located in the far northwest of North America.
Alawi A Sheikhdom in Yemen.
A state in the western Balkans.
See also Durres.
Albania (Arran) An early Kingdom in the Caucasus Mountains.
Albarracin A city in east-central Spain.
Albi A County in southern France.
Albret A district and family in southwestern France.
Alderney A Channel Island, off the coast of France.
Alemanni An early tribal confederation of Teutonic peoples in southwestern Germany.
Alençon A County in northern France.
Aleppo A city in northern Syria.
Alexandria The Eastern Orthodox Patriarchs based in this Egyptian city.
Algarve The far south of Portugal.
Algeciras A city in the far south of Spain, adjacent to Gibralter.
A state in north Africa, between Morocco and Tunisia.
See also Constantine,
Jarawa, Kel Ahaggar, Mascara,
Aliartos A city in the Boeotia district of central Greece.
Allada A state in southern Benin.
Allaria A city in western Crete.
Almelo A lordship in the Netherlands.
Almeria A city in southeastern Spain.
the Almopia An early Hellenic tribe.
Alos A city in the Phthiotis district of central Greece.
Alpuente A city in southern Spain.
Alsace A province in far eastern France.
Altena A lordship in the Netherlands.
Alvheim A Dark-Ages petty Kingdom in southern Norway.
Alzyia A city in the Acarnania district of southern Greece.
Amako A clan of Japanese Daimyos, living in southern Honshu.
Amalfi A city in southern Italy, southeast of Naples.
Amathus A city in Cyprus.
the Amazons A legendary tribe of nomadic female warriors, said to have dwelt on the steppes of southern Russia.
Amb A tribal state in northern Pakistan.
Ambohimanga A Kingdom in Madagascar.
Amboise A County in north-central France.
Ambracia (Arta) A city in northwestern Greece.
Ameland An island off of northern Netherlands.
Amida (Diyarbakr) A city in southeastern Anatolia.
Amiens A town in northern France.
Ammia An ancient Caananite city.
Ammon The capital city of Jordan.
Amorgos An island of the Cyclades group in the southern Aegean Sea.
Amphipolis A city in Thrace, northern Greece.
Ampurias A county in far northeastern Spain.
Amstelland A district in the Netherlands, including in it Amsterdam.
Amurru An ancient Semitic proto-Kingdom in the Levant.
Anaktorio A city in the Acarnania district of southern Greece.
Anapa A town a little east of the Crimean Peninsula.
Anaphi An island in Cyclades group within the Aegean Sea.
Anatahan An island in ther Northern Marianas chain, in the western Pacific.
Anatolia The general region bounded by the Black, Aegean, and Mediterranean Seas.
Ancona A city in east-central Italy.
Andaman & Nicobar Islands A string of islands in the eastern Bay of Bengal.
Andoga A city in northwestern Russia, near Lake Ladoga.
ANDORRA A state in the Pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain.
Andros An island at the northern edge of the Cyclades group, in the Aegean Sea.
Anga An ancient kingdom in northern India.
Angeln A district along the Danish-German frontier.
Angelokastro A village in Aetoloacarnania district of central Greece.
Anglesey An island off northwestern Wales.
ANGOLA A state in southwestern Africa.
Anholt A district on the German/Dutch border.
Angoulême A County in west-central France.
ANGUILLA An island territory in the eastern Caribbean Sea.
Angus A district in eastern Scotland.
Anhalt A group of Principalities in northeastern Germany.
Anjou A County in northwestern France.
Anjouan An island in the Comoros.
Anjuvannam A small Jewish principality in India.
Anopolis A city in Crete.
Anthedon A city in Boeotia district of east-central Greece.
ANTIGUA and BARBUDA An island and state in the eastern Caribbean Sea.
Antikera A city in Phocis district of central Greece.
Antikythira An island in the Aegean.
Antioch A city in southern Turkey, at the point where the land frontier with Syria reaches the sea.
Antioch The Eastern Orthodox Patriarchs of this Turkish city.
Antioch The Jacobite Patriarchs of this Turkish city.
Antioch The Latin (Roman Catholic) Patriarchs of this City.
Antioch The Melkite Patriarchs of this Turkish City.
Antiparos An island in the central Cyclades, Aegean Sea.
Antissa A city on the island of Lesbos, in the Aegean Sea.
Antwerp A city in northern Belgium.
the Aones An early Hellenic tribe.
the Aperandoi An early Hellenic tribe.
Aphek An ancient Caananite city.
Apollonia A city in Crete.
Appenzell A canton of Switzerland.
Aptera A city in Crete.
Apulia A County in southern Italy, comprising the "heel" of the Italian Peninsula.
Aqsu A city in western Xinjiang.
Aquileia An ecclesiastic district in northeastern Italy.
Aquitaine A Duchy in southwestern France.
Arabistan A district on the frontier between Iran and Iraq, at the head of the Persian Gulf.
Aradaena A city in western Crete.
Aragon A Kingdom comprising much of eastern Spain.
Arahti An ancient Caananite city.
Arakan An old Kingdom comprising the western coast of Burma (Myanmar), between the Irrawaddy and the Ganges.
Arashni A Caananite city, probably located in northern Israel or Lebanon.
Araucania A tribal region in southern Argentina.
Arborea A Mediaeval Kingdom located in western Sardinia.
Arcadia A district in the central Peloponessus, Greece.
Arcesine A city on the island of Amorgos, in the Aegean.
Archons of Athens The executive leaders of the ancient Athenian Republic.
Arcos A city in southern Spain, not far from Cadiz.
Arcot A city in southern India.
Ardebil A town in northwestern Iran, not far from the Caspian Sea.
Aremberg A small territory in western Germany, quite close to Coblenz.
A state in southern South America.
See also Araucania,
Entre Rios, and Tucumán.
Argos A district in northeastern Peloponessus, Greece.
Argyll A county in southwestern Scotland.
Ariccia A duchy in Latium, central Italy.
Arizona A state within the United States, located in the far southwest.
Arjona A town in south-central Spain.
Arkades A town located in central Crete.
Arkansas A state within the United States, located om the lower Mississippi.
Arlon A small County in Belgium
Armagnac A County in southwestern France.
A state in the Caucasus Mountains.
See also Nakhshivan,
Armenia, Lesser An Armenian state in northeastern Anatolia, by other names the Pontus/Galatian region.
Armenia Minor An Armenian state in southern Anatolia, modern Cilicia.
Armenian Patriarchate The chief ecclesiastic authorities of the Armenian national church.
Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem The chief ecclesiatic authorities of that sect in Jerusalem.
Armenian Patriarchate of Cilicia The chief ecclesiastic authorities of that sect in southern Turkey.
Armenian Catholic PatriarchateThe chief Roman Catholic authorities in Armenia.
Arminyah A province of the Caliphs in northeastern Turkey and parts of Armenia and Azerbaujan.
Arran An ancient district in what is now western Azerbaijan, the Caucasus Mountains.
Arran An island in western Scotland.
Arsinoë A city in central Crete.
Arta A city in northwestern Greece, now called Ambracia.
Arthuret A district on the England/Scotland border.
Artois A County in northern France.
Arvad A small island off the coast of Syria.
Aryani and Aryanam-Baydjo Closely related ancient tribal states in Central Asia.
Arzawa An ancient state in western Anatolia.
AsahanA district on the northeast coast of Sumatra.
Asai A Daimyo clan in feudal Japan.
Asakura A Daimyo clan in feudal Japan.
the Asdings A subtribe of the Vandals
Ashanti A tribal state, one of a number of closely related polities, in West Africa.
Asir An Emirate in southwestern Arabia.
Assam A district in northeastern India.
Assaw An Afar Sultanate in eastern Ethiopia.
Assyria An Empire in Mesopotamia and the Levant.
Astakos A town in Akarnania, central Greece.
Astarac A county in southwest France
Astaroth A Caananite city in Galilee.
Asti A city in northwestern Italy.
Astrakhan A city in southern Russia, on the northwest shore of the Caspian.
Asturias A Mediaeval kingdom in northern Spain.
Astypalaea An island in the southeastern Aegean Sea.
Atarneus A city-state in northwestern Anatolia.
the Athamanes An early Hellenic tribe.
Athens The largest city in Greece, located on the east coast of the mainland.
Athribis-Heliopolis Two cities in the Upper Delta of the Nile; Heliopolis was just north of modern Cairo.
Atholl A county in Scotland.
Athos An isolated peninsula in northern Greece.
the AtindanesAn early Hellenic tribe.
Atjeh A district in northern Sumatra, Indonesia.
Atropatene A Classic-Age Hellenic kingdom in northwestern Iran.
Augsburg The Bishops associated with this German city.
Augsburg A city in southern Germany.
Aumale A county in northern France.
Ausan An ancient Arabian kingdom.
AUSTRALIA A state and sub-continent in Oceania.
Austrasia A Dark-Ages Kingdom in the Champagne and the Moselle-Maas basins, capital at Rheims.
A state in the Alps of south-central Europe.
See also Carinthia,
Auvergne A district in Central France.
Auxerre A city in central France.
Ava A Shan state in central Burma.
the Avandes An early Hellenic tribe.
Avaristan A small territory in the Caucasus Moubtains.
Avars A Dark-Ages tribe and Empire in southeastern Europe.
Aversa An early Norman County in southern Italy.
Avia An ancient city in the Peloponessus region of southern Greece.
Avignon A city in southeastern France, long a Papal possession.
Avuku A small state in south-central India.
Awadh A large district in north-central India - alternate name: Oudh.
'Awdhali A Sheikhdom in Yemen.
Awlaqi A Sheikhdom in Yemen.
Axos An ancient city in Crete.
Aydin A small territory in western Turkey, near Izmir.
A state in the eastern Caucasus Mountains.
See also Albania
(Caucasian), Arran, Baku,
Azerbaijan Districts in northwestern Iran adjacent to Caucasian Azerbaijan.
The AZORES An island group in the North Atlantic.
Babylon An empire in Mesopotamia.
Bactria An Hellenic territory encompassing much of modern Afghanistan.
Badajoz A Muslim state in west-central Iberia, including both Spanish and Portuguese regions.
Badakhshan A district in northeastern Afghanistan; Northern Alliance territory.
Baden A group of Margraviates and a grand duchy in southwestern Germany.
Baeza A city in southern Spain.
Baghal A small kingdom in northern India.
Bagirmi A sultanate in western Chad.
The BAHAMAS An island state in the northern Caribbean.
Bahawalpur A city in central Pakistan.
BAHRAIN An island and Emirate in the Persian Gulf.
Baku A city in eastern Azerbaijan, on the Caspian coast.
Balaton An early Slavic state in western Hungary.
Bali An island in southern Indonesia.
Balkaria A people and district in the northern Caucasus.
Balkh A city in northern Afghanistan.
Baltistan A mountain territory on the Kashmiri frontier between India and Pakistan.
Baluchistan A region in southern Pakistan.
Bamberg A city and Bishopric in central Germany.
Bamiyan A town in north-central Afghanistan.
Bamoun A tribal state in western Cameroon.
Bandjarmasin A city on the south coast of Borneo.
Bangassu A city in southeastern Central African Republic.
BANGLADESH A state in northeastern India.
Banings An ancient Germanic tribe.
Banten A Sultanate in western Java.
Banu Qasi A dynastic territory in northeastern Spain.
BARBADOS An island lying to the east of the Windward Islands, in the eastern Caribbean.
Barcelona A city in northeastern Spain.
Bar(-le-Duc)A district in eastern France, near Lorraine.
Bar(-sur-Seine)A county in northeastern France.
Barby A local dynasty with lands in eastern Germany.
Bari A city in southern Italy, on the Adriatic coast.
Baroda A city near the northern edge of the west coast of India.
Barra An island in the Hebrides.
The Barsils, A turkic tribe in the Volga region of far-eastern Europe.
The Bartangs An Iranian tribe inhabiting the Pamir region of Turkestan.
Basel A city and Bishopric in Switzerland.
Basel The Canton of the city (indicated above) in Switzerland.
Bashan An ancient Kingdom in northwestern Jordan.
Bashkir A Turkic tribe living between the Volga and the Urals.
Basra A large city in southern Iraq.
The Bastarnae An ancient Teutonic tribe.
Batenburg A lordship in the Netherlands.
Bauchi An Emirate in northern Nigeria.
Baux A lordship in southeastern France.
Bavaria An Electorate and Kingdom in southeastern Germany.
The Bavarii An ancient Teutonic tribe who established the proto-state of Bavaria.
Bay Islands A group of islands off the northern coast of Honduras.
Bayanid Bulgars A tribe of proto-Bulgars in the Ukraine.
Bayhan a-Qisab An emirate in southern Arabia, northeast of Aden.
Béarn A county in southwestern France.
Bedford A town in eastern England.
Beichlingen A local dynasty with lands in northern Thuringia, Germany.
A state near the Baltic, between Russia and Latvia / Lithuania.
See also Drutsk,
A kingdom in western Europe, between France and the Netherlands.
See also Antwerp,
state in Central America, southeast of Mexico.
See also Oxuitza
Bellelay An abbey in northwestern Switzerland.
Beloozero A district in western Russia.
Belz A town in western Ukraine.
Bemba A tribe in northern Zambia.
Benares A city in north-central India.
Benevento A city in southern Italy.
Bengal A region in northeastern India.
state in West Africa, betweem Togo and Nigeria.
See also Porto
Novo, Whydah.
Bentheim A district in northwestern Germany, on the Dutch frontier.
Beormingas A minor Anglo-Saxon tribal group.
Berar A state in central India.
Berchtesgaden An abbey in central Austria, on the German border near Salzburg.
Berezan Island A small island at the mouth of the Bug River, Ukraine.
Berg A Rhenish district in western Germany, near the Dutch border.
Bergen-op-Zoom A town in southern Netherlands.
Bergamo A city in northern Italy.
Berlad A city and district in northern Romania.
BERMUDA An island in the west-central Atlantic.
Berne A city, the Capital, of Switzerland.
Bernicia A Dark-Ages Anglo-Saxon Kingdom in northeastern England.
Berry A province in central France.
Berwick A city on the eastern Scots/English border
Besalu An ephemeral Kingdom in far northeastern Spain.
Besançon A city and Bishopric in eastern France.
Beta Yisrael The Jewish community in Ethiopia.
Beth Shemesh An ancient Caananite city in Israel.
Beth Teni An ancient Caananite city in Palestine.
Bezek An ancient Caananite city in Palestine.
Bhatgaon A district in central Nepal.
BHUTAN A Kingdom in the southern Himalayas, between India and Tibet.
BiberachA city in southwestern Germany.
Bidar A state in central India.
Biesen A local commandery of the Teutonic Knights in the Netherlands.
Bigorre A County in southwestern France.
Bihar A city in Transylvania, northern Romania.
Bijapur A state in central India.
Bikaner A city and district in western India.
Bilsæte A minor Anglo-Saxon tribal group.
Bima A sultanate on Sumbawa island, in Indonesia.
Biram A Hausa state in northern Nigeria.
Birecik A town in southern Turkey.
Birka A town on the island of Bjorko, in Sweden.
Bir Tawil A wasteland on the Egyptian-Sudanese border.
Biscay A district in northern Spain.
Bithynia An ancient district in northwestern Anatolia.
Blankenheim-Schleiden Local dynastic territories in northern Rhineland and Westphalia, Germany.
Batavii An ancient Teutonic tribe.
Blekinge A province in sourtheastern Sweden.
Blois A county in northern France.
Bobastro A locality in far southern Spain.
the Boeotoi An early Hellenic tribe.
Bohemia A kingdom in central Europe; the western name for the Czech state.
Bohuslän A Dark-Ages kingdom in southwest Sweden.
Boina A district within Madagascar.
Bokhara An ancient city in Central Asia, now within Uzbekistan.
Bokhtyuga A minor district within Russia.
BOLIVIA A large landlocked state within western South America.
Bologna A city in northern Italy.
Bolokhovo Confederation A loose association of 13 towns in northwestern Ukraine.
Bone A sultanate in southern Celebes.
Bonny A state on the coast of Nigeria.
Bono A tribal Kingdom in central Ghana.
Bopfingen A city in southwestern Germany.
Borculo A small town in eastern Gelderland.
Bornholm An island in the southern Baltic sea.
BOSNIA A state in the west-central Balkans.
BOTSWANA A landlocked state in far southern Africa.
Bouillon A county in Belgium.
Boulogne A town and county in northern France.
Bourbon A duchy in south-central France.
Bou Regreg A pirate base in Morocco.
Bozzolo A town in northern Italy.
Brabant A duchy in central Belgium and souther Netherlands.
Brakna An emirate in southwestern Mauretania.
Brandenburg A city and Bishopric in eastern Germany.
Brandenburg A margraviate and electorate in central eastern Germany.
Brännö A small island off the coast of southwestern Sweden.
Brass A state on the coast of Nigeria.
large nation taking up much of northern, central, and eastern South America.
See also Acre,
Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro,
Brechou A minor islet in the Channel Islands.
Breda A town in the southern Netherlands.
Bredevoort A lordship in the Netherlands.
Brega A kingdom in eastern Ireland.
Bregenz und Buchhorn Local dynastic territories straddling the German-Austrian frontier near Lake Constanz.
Breifne A local kingdom in north-central Ireland.
Bremen An Archbishopric associated with the port city in northern Germany.
Bremen A port city in northern Germany.
Brena a small territory in Saxony, Germany.
Brescia A city in northern Italy.
Bretzenheim A small Principality in central Germany.
Brie A county in northern France.
The Brigantes A Celtic tribe in northern England.
Britain A list of the traditional and literary rulers in early Britain.
Britannia A list of the Roman Governors in Great Britain.
British East India Company The corporation governing most of India in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Britonia A Romano-British colony in northwestern Spain.
Brittany A Duchy in far northwestern France.
Brixen A town and bishopric in far northern Italy.
Bro Erech A division of Brittany, in northwestern France.
the Brodniks An early Ukrainian tribe.
Broich A small town in western Germany.
BRUNEI A Sultanate in northeastern Borneo.
Brunswick A group of Duchies in northwestern Germany.
Bryansk A Russian principality.
Brycheiniog A minor Welsh principality.
Buchan A Pictish kingdom, and later a Scottish earldom.
Buchau A city in southwestern Germany.
Buchhorn A city in southwestern Germany.
Buellt A district in south-central Wales.
Buenos Aires Capital and largest city in Argentina.
Buganda A kingdom in east-central Africa.
Bukovina A district in the Carpathians on the frontier between northern Romania and western Ukraine.
BULGARIA A state in the eastern Balkans, on the Black Sea.
Bundi A town in western India.
Bunyoro A kingdom in east-central Africa.
Buqei Horde A nomadic horse in Khazakhstan.
Burayda An emirate in central Arabia.
Buren A lordship in the Netherlands.
Burgau A minor Bavarian district.
The Burgundians A Dark Ages Teutonic tribe.
Burgundy - Arles, and Upper Burg. Two late Dark Ages Kingdoms in southeastern France.
Burgundy, Duchy A Duchy in eastern France.
An inland state in West Africa.
See also Gurma,
BURMA (Myanmar) A state in Southeast Asia, between India and Thailand.
Burtas A nomadic tribe inhabiting the region between the Don and the Volga rivers.
BURUNDI A state in east-central Africa.
Buryats A Mongol people in areas of Russia, Mongolia, China, and Kazakhstan.
Burzenland A germanized district in Transylvania.
Busiris A city and District in ancient Lower (Northern) Egypt.
Busoga A tribal kingdom in southern Uganda.
Bute An island in western Scotland.
Byblos An ancient Phoenician city in what is now Lebanon.
Byelohravati The White Croats, a Dark Ages tribal Kingdom in southeastern Poland.
Byzantine Empire The Eastern Roman Empire, extending across the Balkans and much of Anatolia.
Byzantium The modern city of Istanbul, in northwestern Turkey.
Cadiz A city in far southern Spain.
Caer Gawch A minor Welsh principality.
Cagliari A city in southern Sardinia.
Cakchiquel A post-classical Maya nation in southern Guatemala.
Calabria A province in southern Italy.
Calais A city in far northern France.
Calakmul A Mayan city-state in south-central Yucatan, just north of the Mexico-Guatemala frontier.
Calatrava, Order of An order of knights in Spain.
Camarino A city in central Italy.
CAMBODIA A state in southeast Asia, between Thailand and Vietnam.
Cambrai A city and bishopric in northern France.
Cambridge A town in eastern England.
CANADA A large state encompassing most of northern North America.
Canary Islands An island group off northwestern Africa.
Cannanore A port in southwestern India.
Cantalabria A district in far northern Spain.
Canterbury A city and archbishopric in southeastern England.
Cao A district in eastern China.
CAPE VERDE An island group in tropical North Atlantic, off the coast of West Africa.
Cappadocia An ancient kingdom in central Anatolia.
Capua A city in southern Italy.
Carcassonne A county in southeastern France.
Carchemish An ancient city in western Syria.
Caria An ancient state in southwestern Anatolia.
Carinthia A duchy in southern Austria.
Carmarthen A city in southwestern Wales.
Carmona A city in southern Spain.
Carniola A district on the Austria-Slovenia border.
Carpi A town in northern Italy.
Castell A group of estates in central Germany.
Castile A kingdom in northern and central Spain.
Catania A district in southern Italy.
Catraeth A Dark Ages kingdom in northern England.
Catuvellauni A Celtic tribe in south central Britain.
CAYMAN ISLANDS a group of small islands in the Caribbean.
Celje A district in central Slovenia.
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC A landlocked state in central Africa.
An island off the coast of northwestern Greece.
Cerdana A city in southern Spain.
CEUTA A Spanish city in far northwestern Africa, opposite Gibralter.
Cezair Bahr i-Sefid "Islands of the White (e.g. Aegean) Sea" - the Ottoman province in the Aegean.
Chabad Chassidics The line of Chabad Rebbes.
Chaeronea A town in Boeotia province, Greece.
CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO An island group in the mid Indian Ocean.
Chalandritsa A town in southern Greece.
Chalkida A city on the island of Euboea, central Greece.
Chamchwilde A Mediaeval Armenian clan-Principality
Champa A Kingdom in what is now southern Vietnam.
Champagne A Duchy in eastern France.
Chao An ancient Chinese state located in the northeast, near Beijing.
the Chaones An early Hellenic tribe.
Characene An ancient state at the Tigris-Euphrates estuary on the northwest end of the Persian Gulf.
Chartres A town in northern France.
Chatillon-sur-Marne A region in northern France adjacent to Champagne.
Chauci An ancient Teutonic tribe.
Chechnya A Muslim district in the north Caucasus.
Chernigov A town in northern Ukraine.
Chernyatin A town in central Russia.
Cherusci An ancient Teutonic tribe.
Chester An Earldom in western England.
Ch'i An ancient state in eastern China.
Chichimec An early tribal state in Mexico.
Chief Rabbis of Great Britain Primary Jewish authorities in Britain and the British Empire.
Chief Rabbis of Israel Primary Jewish religious authorities in Israel.
CHILE A state in southwestern South America.
Chilterns A Dark Ages Kingdom in central England.
CHINA A major
state in far eastern Asia.
See also Chao,
Ch'in, Gansu,
Zhou, Hunan,
Chao, Liao-Xi,
Chao (Yunnan), Nan Han, Nan
Yen, Northern Zhou, Szechuan,
and Yu-Wen.
Chiny A town in far southeastern Belgium.
Chionites An early nomadic people in central Asia related to the Huns.
Chios An island in the Aegean.
Chitral A tribal state in northern Pakistan.
Chittagong A town in southeastern Bangladesh.
Chola An early state in southern India.
Chosokabe A Daimyo clan in early Japan.
Chosun (Ancient) The traditional rulers of ancient Korea.
Christ, Order of An order of knights in Portugal.
Ch'u An ancient state in eastern China.
Chur A town and Bishopric in eastern Switzerland.
Cilicia An ancient Kingdom in southern Anatolia.
Cimbri An ancient Teutonic tribe.
The Cimmerians An ancient tribe of nomads, living for most of their history in the Ukraine.
Circassia A district in the north Caucasus region.
Clermont (en Beauvais) A town in northern France.
Cleves A duchy in western Germany, near the Dutch border.
Cnogba The northern half of the Irish kingdom of Brega.
Cochin Southwestern India.
Cocos Islands A small group of islands west of Australia.
Colchis An ancient Kingdom near the Caucasus, at the southeastern corner of the Black Sea.
Cologne The list of the Archbishops in that city.
Cologne A city in western Germany, on the Rhine near the Netherlands.
COLOMBIA A state in noerthern South America.
Comes Britanniarum A later Roman official, the Count of the Britains.
Comes Litoris Saxonici Count of the Saxon Shore, Britain.
Colorno A town in northern Italy.
Commagene A small ancient state in southern Anatolia.
The COMOROS A archipelago state off southeastern
See Anjouan,
Comoro, Mayotte,
Comukha A minor kingdom on the upper Tigris River.
Conaille Muirthemne An early Irish tribal kingdom.
Condé A town in northern France.
CONGO (Brazzaville) A state in west-central
See Loanga,
(Kinshasa) A huge state in central Africa.
See also Kazembe,
Connaught A provincial kingdom in western Ireland.
Constantina A city in southern Spain.
Constantine A city in northern Algeria.
Constantinople Eastern Orthodox Patriarchs
Constantinople The list of Latin Patriarchs in that city.
Constanz A city in far southwestern Germany.
Consuls, Roman Listings for the executives of the Roman Republic (incl. Imperial Consuls as well).
Conti A titular dignity of an important family from northern France.
Cooch Behar A district in easten India.
Copan A Mayan city-state, located just inside Honduras, on the Guatemalan border.
Coptic Popes The ecclesiarchs of the Coptic Christians in Egypt.
Cordoba A city in south-central Spain.
Corfu An island off the coast of northwestern Greece.
Corinth A city in central Greece.
Cornouaille A division of Brittany, in northwestern France.
Cornwall A region in far southwestern England.
Corregio A town in north-central Italy.
Corsica An island in the western Mediterranean, between Italy and France, north of Sardinia.
Corvey A Princely Abbey in northern Germany.
Cos An island in the far southeastern Aegean.
Cossack States Several Cossack polities located in southern Russia.
COSTA RICA A state in Central America, between Nicaragua and Panama.
A state in West Africa, between Liberia and Togo.
See also Denkyira.
Counani A district (now the Brazilian state of Amapá) on the north edge of the Amazon delta.
Cracow A city in southern Poland.
Cremona A city in northern Italy.
Crete An island at the southern end of the Aegean.
Crimea A peninsula in southern Ukraine, within the Black Sea.
CROATIA (Dalmatian) A state in the northwestern Balkans.
Croatia (Pannonian) An early proto-state in the northern Balkans.
Crotone A city in far southern Italy.
CUBA An island state in the northern Caribbean.
Culenborg A lordship in the Netherlands.
Culhuacan A pre-Columbian Mexican state.
Cumæ An ancient city in southern Italy.
Cumans An early tribal confederation of nomads living in what is now the Ukraine.
Cuyk A town on the Maas River in the eastern Netherlands.
Cydweli A small town in southwestern Wales.
An island in the eastern Mediterranean.
See also Alasiya,
and Tamassos.
Cyrenaica An ancient district on the northeastern coast of Libya.
A state in central Europe, between Poland and Austria.
See also Moravia,
Czersk A partition duchy located in central Poland.
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